6 May 2010

Hard Clam

Clams provide high-quality protein and have a high level of amino acids. Rich in minerals and calcium, clams are particularly good for women as they are low in calories and help to maintain healthy skin.

The clam in the picture above is the one I can find in the UK or Europe. I do miss a slightly different one from my hometown which accompanied me for 30 years.

4 May 2010

3 May 2010

Sewing Tutorials Found

I found two sewing tutorials today and will try to make them later.

5 Apr 2010

John Xfactor's Advice of Google Adsense

... My Adsense income has almost tripled to date, reaching well

into the $300+ earnings each day.

Some Lessons Learned:

1) I have seen the light in terms of making more sites instead of

focusing on 1 big one. My health site still does well on its own,

around $100 or so daily, but it takes more maintenance than

my new strategy to go specific with keywords and niche markets.

2) I now focus EVERY website on products that can be found at

Amazon, E-bay, Wal-Mart, etc. This is probably the reason why my

income has exploded. I had no idea just how much open markets

there are in these products.

3) I now shoot only for keywords that I know can get in the top

spots for Google but with enough searches to make money.

4) Some of my most stable earners are sites with less than 30


5) I now work on 4-5 sites at a time, getting each ranked and earning

natural search engine clicks within a week.

6) Some of my sites only have 1 page of content, yet remain earning

$2 to $3 daily without any upkeep.

7) My content is always about product descriptions.

8) I still use article marketing exclusively, but do not worry about

keywords, nor do I care if my article ranks.

9) Some of my sites rank in the top 5 positions of Google, make money,

and I did no backlinking.

10) I have changed up my template that now gets 50% CTR at times,

often reaching the 75% mark (mainly due to using product-only niches).
