Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

16 Mar 2010

French Alps Holiday Info - Les Fontaines Holiday Park

We have booked a holiday in the summer. Now I would like to collect some info for the holiday.

Beautifully situated just a few minutes from Lake Annecy, Les Fontaines is a truly first class parc, enjoying a magnificent setting amidst some of the French Alps most stunning scenery.

Local Area

Walibi Park

In a theme park situated in the heart of nature, discover a cocktail of emotion. More than 30 attractions, spectacles and exclusive animations for all the family.

Grotte et Cascade de Seythenex

At the foot of the Bauges mountains between the 'Collar de Temie' and the 'Tooth of Idiots' there is a network of galleries of which 250m is accessible. A 40 min guided underground tour is available.

Les Jardins Secrets

Off the beaten track in the pleasant countryside of Haute-Savoie, between Annecy, Aix Les Bains and Geneva. They are amongst the unmissable sights to visit. Each one of the Gardens has its own identity and originality.

Aquarium du Lac du Bourget

At the edge of the largest natural lake in France, come and discover 50 fresh water fish species, a diorama about water birds, a theme show and finally an audio-visual photomontage about the surroundings of the lake.

Chateau de Menthon St Bernard

Dominates the Commune of Menthon at the edge of Annecy lake. The Chateau is inhabited by the family of Menthon. Contains a splendid library and old manuscripts. Guided tours of the chateau are available.

Chateau de Montrottier

The medieval castle of Montrottier is located ten minutes away from Annecy.This castle perched on a hill contains vast collections of weapons, earthenware, tapestries, pieces of furniture as well as a collection from the Far East. There are approved guided tours usually in French but English can be arranged.

2 Mar 2009

Japan trip tips


  • 东京原宿: 日本时装一向被誉为时髦大胆富创意,东京原宿(Harajuku)则以街头时装闻名,更是日本时装的一个重要发源地。   原宿处于东京两大商业区新宿(Shinjuku)和涉谷(Shibuya)之间,一度是宁静的住宅区。由于环境清幽,渐渐吸引了一些富艺术气息的年轻人前来这里经商,开设服装店和精品店,结果那里的潮流店铺越开越多。 现在,原宿车站一带是日本年轻人假日的聚集地,东京的潮流指数就由原宿的年轻人来决定,若想要知道东京流行什么,年轻人喜好穿什么,只要到原宿逛一圈,就可略知一二。 明治神宫: 位于东京涩谷的明治神宫,建于1915年,是纪念明治天皇和皇后的别宫,二战时被焚。现在的建筑群是1958年重建的,供奉明治天皇与昭宪皇太后。整个神宫占地152.3万平方米,周围绿树环绕,宫内共有树木300多种,10万余株。 神宫内有南、北、西3条参拜道,从南面正路进入,经过神宫桥,迎面即是巨大的大鸟屋(牌坊),是日本木造牌坊中最大的,道路两旁古树参天,百鸟争鸣。 往前走即是面积为72.3万平方米的神宫内苑,西边是美丽的神宫御园,其为典型的日本式庭院,苑内有红、紫、黄、各色山樱,山桃,玫瑰,兰花,紫藤等花卉,还有流向南池的潺潺清泉,“清正三井”,池内睡莲婀娜多姿,与6月盛开的菖蒲花相映成辉。 御园西北角是明治神宫本殿,那里有座宝物殿,存放着明治天皇的遗物。神宫的内、外苑之间以一条樱树相夹的道路相连。外苑有50万平方米,包括两大片森林,还有圣德太子纪念馆,国立竞技场,东京都体育馆等。 1964年,东京奥运会的主赛场就设在这里。每年去参拜明治神宫的人数总是日本的最高纪录,尤其是在新年伊始,有近400万人。另外,据说明治神宫的卦签也很灵。